martes, octubre 14, 2008

My favourite piece of technology

I use technology in my life, mainly for work and entertainment. For home labors it’s important because it’s easier and faster.

Computers are the most used piece of technology in the word myself included. This is mainly because this piece of technology is used for communications in e-mails, chat, messenger software (voice and writing), many special software’s that help people’s work, as source of information and video games.

I have used computers for many years, I can’t remember for how long. My life would be very difficult without the computer, work and communications need computers on this times. Without my computer I would be lost in the cyber world.

But my favourite piece of technology is much simpler. I enjoy music very much, for this reason pen drives, mp3s and iPods are for me the best choice. I remember when having a portable CD player was really the best, but you couldn’t move them too much or the tracks would skip. Now portable music players are smaller and have several times the capacity of old CD players and the MP3 format allows to store hundreds of songs on a small and very portable device.

I had a very small pendrive that dind’t play music, but a couple of months ago I got a new pendrive with a lot of capacity and that plays music files. I love it, I can listen to my favortite songs while I go to University and I also use it to store my assignments and documents. Without it, it would be harder to transfer my documents form one computer to another, and I wouldn’t be able to listen to all the song I like while I’m not at home.