martes, octubre 14, 2008

My favourite piece of technology

I use technology in my life, mainly for work and entertainment. For home labors it’s important because it’s easier and faster.

Computers are the most used piece of technology in the word myself included. This is mainly because this piece of technology is used for communications in e-mails, chat, messenger software (voice and writing), many special software’s that help people’s work, as source of information and video games.

I have used computers for many years, I can’t remember for how long. My life would be very difficult without the computer, work and communications need computers on this times. Without my computer I would be lost in the cyber world.

But my favourite piece of technology is much simpler. I enjoy music very much, for this reason pen drives, mp3s and iPods are for me the best choice. I remember when having a portable CD player was really the best, but you couldn’t move them too much or the tracks would skip. Now portable music players are smaller and have several times the capacity of old CD players and the MP3 format allows to store hundreds of songs on a small and very portable device.

I had a very small pendrive that dind’t play music, but a couple of months ago I got a new pendrive with a lot of capacity and that plays music files. I love it, I can listen to my favortite songs while I go to University and I also use it to store my assignments and documents. Without it, it would be harder to transfer my documents form one computer to another, and I wouldn’t be able to listen to all the song I like while I’m not at home.

lunes, septiembre 29, 2008

A good film: "Underground"

I am a cinema fan. A good film to me is “Underground” from Emir Kusturica. I saw this film for first time mmmh... four years ago, with a friend, in the Cine Normandie, this place is a tradicional art cinema in downtown santiago.

I remembered this day, because I ate a bad brownie, it was decomposed. And the day was hot. I have been in the cinema for almost 3 hours, it was very nice.

It is a very complete and diverse film. It’s hard to catalogue it, because it’s a political movie, with drama, comedy, action, musical and surrealims. It provides a mix of emotions for the spectator.

Buuf ... Any attempt to do a synopsis is complicated enough. The arguments, the music, and the magnificent conjunction of the historical facts (the wars) and the story itself. All that makes the film a masterpiece and very a entertaining expirience.

Is the metaforic history of Yugoslavia. The trama is about Blaky, a married man, he has a romance with a frivolous actress whos name is Natalija. But Blaky has a friend, Marko, but he also is in love of Natalija and they use the ward, together they cheat it, whith a group of undergroud people. And they take advantage, making them work, forming a clandestine weapons insdustry.

lunes, septiembre 22, 2008


A Typical Chilean celebration is ¨Fiestas patrias¨. On this holiday the country’s independence day is celebrated, but the real event behind this date is the celebration of the first national meeting, on September 18th 1810.

Many Chileans don’t know the history of their country, they celebrate and remember that they are Chileans only on this date.

The typical folklore dance, “Cueca”, is only danced by people on this holiday, during the rest of the year they forget about it.

When I was a child, I liked to dance cuenca at school. Every year on this date I danced cueca for sport classes, and my grades at sports were good.

Last year I celebrated with my family, it was a lot of fun because we were all happy. Sometimes we cook empanadas (typical Chilean food). But it’s very hard and it takes a lot of time to make them so instead we buy them. It’s easier to do a barbecue, we often do ¨anticuchos¨.

There’s a typical drink called ¨chicha¨, made from grapes. People drinks a lot and they dance cueca. The Fondas are located at the O´higgins Park, on this place many people joins in celebration, while children fly kites, because the wind in September is very favourable and the sky’s view is beautiful and very colorfull. I prefer not to go to fondas.

lunes, septiembre 08, 2008



The ¨Fiestas patrias¨ are a typical celebration of Chile. In this day it is celebrated the independence day, but really is the celebration of de firth national meeting, the date is the 18 of September.

Many Chileans people, don’t know your history, only celebrated in this date. And remembering that are Chileans, The typical folklore dance, ¨Cueca¨, only is danced for the people is this date, in the year, they forget it the cueca.

When was a child, I liked to dance cuenca in the school, all years in this date I danced cueca… and my Qualification in sports was good.

The last year I celebrated with my family, is very funny, because all are happy. Sometimes do empanadas (typical food Chilean). But is very slow, then we buy.
Is easier to do a barbecue, we do ¨anticuchos¨.

So, with the ¨chicha¨, typical drink of grape, the people drink a lot and dancing cueca.
In the Park O´higgins is located de fondas, in this place many people re-joins to celebrating, the children fly a kite, because the wind in September is very favourable, in the sky the view is beautiful, is very colouring.
I prefer not going to the fondas.

lunes, septiembre 01, 2008

I and the future

In the future… I would like to be working in my profession whit environmental thematic. Always I liked the PDI (Policía de Investigaciones), maybe I will to work in this institution.
I would like to publish paper with my investigations, to reach with the community in urbanism and environment.

Personally… I would like to live alone, or may be with some female friend, in the city, but a don’t liked the city life, because is very uncomfortable for the health, in many years in the future I will live in the periphery zone, with a good system transportation to the city.

And to star an athletic life, it´s important for to be in form, I begun to practice sports, I am trying, but is very hard for my, I am lazy.

I would like to be different things or to return to do activities that I have left. I am keen to return

lunes, agosto 25, 2008

Learning English: My Experience

Today, to learn English is very important for the communications, between the people in the world.
Many persons of different cultures and languages can talk.
But the best studies of sciences are in english, this is the reason because is important this language.
In the primary, I don’t remember the name of my teacher, because I have had many teachers, may be for it’s my English not is very god.
Sometimes I enjoyed so much to learn a new language, because the songs are different and to talk is hard.
I don’t thing so that English is easy, not all persons have the facility of being able to learn languages.
I know many young (my friends) talk English; one of my best friends is studying English Literature in Catholic University (P.U.C), but we do not speak in English, do it in Spanish. She asks me which the activities are that I have in the English class, because she must do classes in the Finis Terrae University.
I am looser in English, but I try it. May be I understand the American English, because all series and films they are made in USA.
I believe it that the teacher must have many patience for to learn and understand.
To write is hard for my, the grammar ufff, in this lines you can know. And when I speak in English sometimes I am nervous. It is very important to be calm and not be afraid to the ridiculous.
I will treat to improve, I wait for it.

domingo, agosto 24, 2008

Abstract: Desert cities are living on borrowed, UN warns

Desert cities are living on borrowed time, the climate is in constant change and it’s essential to have knowledge of the environment.
A lot of people live in such places so it's very import to generate enough electricity and water. Physical characteristics, like soil and water, are precious.
Desert cities have a lot of problems with water management; water salinization and the reduction of glaciers are common.

lunes, agosto 18, 2008

About me

To write about me it's a strange assignment for me, I should talk many hours, because I am a very interesting person.
For example, I can talk with anybody about all kind of themes; my point of view is very free, but with good arguments. I am not a rigid person.

I enjoy the environment, I would like to change the world and make it a better place to live in. It's a utopic idea, but I would like to save the good things that stays in people and in nature with my work as a geographer. I cant do it !!! yes, in a silent way.

I like so much the music and the arts, I believe I'm a complete person though I would loke to do the things I did before, like singing in a chorus

When I was a child my family says: Jose (They call me this way)
Get out of the mud!. I am very different from my brothers, I have two sisters and a younger brother who's seven years old, and maybe he is similar to me, because he makes many questions. But I am not similar physically to my family; my cousins and my sister are blonde.

martes, julio 08, 2008

My blogging experence

I liked the blogging experience because it is one form to learn English, writing it. The personal class I help me in the vocabulary, I searching in internet the words that I did known, and I asked to Simon (my English teacher), but I still fined the grammatical form difficult.

One critic, the class room, is very uncomfortable, not have air!!! This is difficult for the concentration and the only thing I can’t is got out of the room. This is the only thing that I did not like, of the blog class.

Maybe in this moment I have more confidence in this language, but I have so much for to learn. Now I can understand the ideas in the talking, is the great advance for me!!!. I think that my paper (this), is very dummy for the American people, but I can’t the Mexican accent, with many rrrrr, this not can’t listening in this blog, of course!!

Oh… almost I forget it only is words, for this reason the name of my blog is “The words are not enough”, but in one form it is good, because many people when speak is nervous, and in the last oral test I said many stupid things.

Sometimes to think what I want to write is a slow process and to think in English, is a slow process too.

martes, julio 01, 2008

Why? Why? Why?

Why I am studying Geography? Because, I have always liked all the natural sciences. When I was a child, I played with rocks and soil. This is one of the reasons, but principally, because the vision of the earth (the physical sciences) is integrated with social sciences. This is very important and relevant in this time. The dynamic landscape must be studied in order to understand the form in that it evolves. It’s very interesting and complex, is to much factors that influence it. The geographer’s job is to analyze these factors and to have that the development be sustentable for the environment and the sociality.
The environment problem is studied for the geography. The global worming it affect the flora and fauna this can, for example, to destabilize the nourishing chain. And the most important is the reduction of the glaciers, in the future we will have problems of shortage of sweet water.
My favourite subject is the natural environment and the treatment of the soil. The soil structure is very complex and we need study it in deep. Also the urbanism, for I can to be my ideal city. This city well be beautiful and with many trees.

martes, abril 29, 2008

My Idol

It’s very hard for me to say who the one is my idol, because there are many people important and interesting in the world.
I believe that it’s very easy search between live people of the music. Is more real to know them, for example in one pop concert or in a contest (is very difficult).
So my idol is Chris Cornell, Soundgarden's former lead singer, I have liked him so much, since I was a girl. I liked his musical style, his deep voice and the way his music evolved.
He is very attractive for the girls, now he is more mature, but he looks better.
I would talk about everything, I don’t know … I would ask about the tours and of simples things what brand cigarettes does he smoke and how many each day?
Things of the live…
I would do ha, ha, ha is a secret. I don’t know, maybe I would laugh a lot and I would try no to bore him.

martes, abril 22, 2008

The BBC Learning english

Today I browsed the internet and saw the web site of the BBC for learning English. It’s a good choice for the people that practice English. This page has many options, but I can’t see them all.

I visited the link Word Master, and I try to visit others links, but I can’t linten to the music and it’s a bit frustrating.

This link is very funny way for teaching english. First I selected the easy level , because I wanted to know what the game consisted on.

Sometimes I got confused, because there were many options, and the pc room was too hot and had little air, maybe some other time I can see this site better. It's too much to see it all in the minutes of the English class, and I played many times with the Word Master.

The class finished, I me to…good bye.

martes, abril 08, 2008

My favorite english song

Lately I am listening very much to Keane, A musical English group, it is not my musical favorite group, I am in the habit of listening to rock and more rhythmic things and with intensity, I am charmed with Audioslave.
I chose the song “Bedshaped” of Keane, of the disc Hops and Fears because it's i calm and makes me think, I use to look out the window when I travel by subway (line 4 and 5), I like much. Probably it is something melancolic, but relaxing and the musical arrangements are very soft and harmonic.

Probably the letter of the song sometimes identifies me, in general every Keane's lyrics accompanies very well to melody, it's because I feel this way. The vocalist Tom Chaplin is a very good interpreter.

And as the musical critics say, many people who's on their twenties identify.

The “Bedshaped lyrics say:

Many's the time I ran with you down
The rainy roads of our old town
Many the lives we lived in each day
And buried all together
Don't laugh at me
Don't look away
You'll follow me back (YOU ARE FOLLOWING ME BACK)
With the sun in your eyes
And on your own
Bedshaped and legs of stone
You'll knock on my door
And up we'll go
In white lightI don't think so
But what do I know?
What do I know?
I know
I know you think I'm holding you down
And I've fallen by the wayside now
And I don't understand the same things as you
But I do
Don't laugh at me
Don't look away
You'll follow me back
With the sun in your eyes
And on your own
Bedshaped, two legs of stone
You'll knock on my door
And up we'll go
In white light
I don't think so
But what do I know?
What do I know?I know
ahahaa ahahaa ahahaa ahahaa(Choir)
And up we'll go
In white light
I don't think so
But what do
I know?
What do I know?
I know

The video music is very artistic and beautiful.

martes, abril 01, 2008

Cajón del Maipo

The Cajón del Maipo is not the most beutifull place en Chile, but it has many natural characteristcs , hills, trees and rivers. It’s near from Santiago and it’s calm enough.
I always tell my friends about this place, because is really good for camping and barbecues.

In the night the stars are seen very well and there are many persons who are going to see O.F.U

I went there last summer with some friends. Sometimes not everyone can go.
We went to the hotsprings and after that we went to a nightclub to have some drinks and dance in Las Vizchacas.

The boys drunk to much, jajaja and they saw aliens… jajaja, and told and told my. It was very funny. Jota played guitar and we sang (we screamed).

It is very difficult to put in agreement in a trip, because of it we conform to this nearby place. We are sluggish.

domingo, marzo 30, 2008

Sorry for the delay

Hi, I sorry for the delay....but I had some little problems last week.
And in the sant week (jajaja laugh), no sorry in easter, I got sick because I laughed
at some Jesus parody